Beyond Disability Inc

47 refurbished computers matched to those in need Solange Ardiles of GIVIT Victoria says that prior to the partnership with BDO, there were very few computers on offer in Victoria via GIVIT’s online warehouse. The offer of computers was well received across the board, helping those who had lost their possessions in the fires and individuals isolated by COVID-19 restrictions. “BDI’s offer could not have come at a better time and we know the supply of the 47 computers have been very welcomed by all recipients.” It is also a great example of the circular economy at work where BDI receive computers that are no longer required, update and refurbish them and in turn match them to genuine needs in the community with GIVIT's help. This partnership has helped divert electronic waste from landfill, instead helping many people stay connected through the pandemic.
Giving to those in need

Klaus Jungling, BDI’s tech expert first heard of GIVIT when building fences in Gippsland after the 2020 bushfires. “As soon as I heard about GIVIT, and became aware of their impressive reputation of matching donations with those in need, I arranged a donation of 20 computers from our stock that could be given to bushfire victims in the Gippsland region". In total BDI have donated more than 80 refurbished computers plus home-tech equipment through GIVIT for Victorians in need. BDI was established in 1996. In the wake of a car accident and major spinal surgery, Richard Stubbs OAM was looking for a local disability tech group. Unable to find one, he started his own, and has since helped hundresd of families. BDI helps veterans with PTSD, people with a disability or struggling to be technologically literate, and children from families who can’t afford a laptop. They also subsidise mobile broadband for those who don’t have NBN. Klaus Jungling has worked closely with GIVIT on the ground. “Prior to GIVIT we found it difficult to readily find people and genuine, organised, local groups who needed technological items.” By utilising GIVIT to identify persons and communities in need, BDI has donated over 80 refurbished computers plus home technology equipment to the following organisations: •15 desktop PCs to Wellsprings for Women in Dandenong •6 laptops for the Cranbourne Lions Club to better support nursing and Aged Care homes •5 desktop PCs to Olivia’s Place, who support vulnerable mums near Warragul •They’ve even donated a laptop to a Canberran community group through GIVIT!
Klaus Jungling and Givit

BDI's Bushfire donations
Beyond disability Incorporated’s ( BDI) recent activities. BDI is a non-profit organisation founded by Richard Stubbs OAM who recognised a void whereby disadvantaged (either financially and/or physically) people of all ages were struggling to enter the internet age and use it to reconnect with friends and the community in general , typically via e mail and Skype programs. Richard established BDI with the purpose of providing such people, generally in the Mornington region (at times numbering into the hundreds) with predominantly refurbished computers and laptops, generously donated by companies and institutions for which these were surplus or outdated to their needs. BDI volunteers refurbish the equipment back to good working order and provide ongoing servicing. Following the disastrous bushfires early this year, one of the BDI volunteers spent a week as a volunteer repairing fencing with blazeaid. In sharing experiences with locals it became apparent that one of the needs of victims, and indeed also some local non-profit organisations, was computer equipment to allow better processing of details and applications mainly associated with claims and recovery aspects. As a result several contacts were made with organisations directly involved in bushfire recovery efforts. This in turn led to contact with a Gippsland representative of Givit (the Victorian Government's official charity donation partner). BDI then went to work and by careful juggling of resources, 20 desktop computers plus associated equipment were fully refurbished and prepared for donation and delivered to one of Givit’s Gippsland distribution centres last weekend. The donation was very well received by Ms Lisa Herbert of Givit (photos below), who will arrange for distribution to those victims and community centres Givit determines to be in need.