Beyond Disability Inc
Thank you are two words I say to Richard and his team today. Reading is my hobby, but still, there are empty hours to fill I can be in Paris, London, Lima, wander in a park in China All from the comfort of mine chair. Don’t even have to comb mine hair So a BIG THANK YOU is in place for filling in an empty space! - Cobi (Hoekstra)
A big thank you to everyone at BDI for such a great service. Not a day goes by that I learn something new about the world around me. It’s wonderful to be able to connect, reconnect with family and friends I’ve recently "met" up with cousins in America and have started looking into family in France! Having access to a computer has changed my life in so many ways! Best wishes PS: hope to attend the AGM xx - Moira
It’s that time of the year again when we have the opportunity to thank all the committee and volunteers for the wonderful job they do for us, without them life would be more difficult for my generation to come to terms with modern technology and keep communicating, THANK YOU, Cheers - Ron Farnill
Lynn & Ian
Lynn is one of our original clients looked after by us bdi and likes our company. 25 years and counting.